Supra LSD into a V6 3rd member


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Stace brought over two V6 diffs that had the factory 4.88 gears in them. The plan was to swap the carrier/LSD from the Supra 3rd into the pick-up V6 3rd. Also, to install a Lockrite into the other V6 3rd to be used in the front-end application. ..........By the way, swapping the LSD into the V6 3rd was not brain surgery. Some people have been having to machine the Supra carrier bearing race on the non-ring gear side to allow for more than 1 thread of bearing adjuster engagement. That has to be done IF BOTH carrier bearings from the Supra are re-used. BUT the problem goes 100% away and no machining is needed when the ring gear side gets the SUPRA bearing and the other side gets the much thinner "pick-up" carrier bearing. This makes it a straight forward operation.(paragraph edited with correct info 2-8-05 ZUK)

The painted pattern looked pretty good for a used gear-set. Checking the pattern was not mandatory though.

Backlash was measured at .012" and this would be used on the swap-over.

Time to pop the LSD out of the Supra center section.

One Supra LSD ready for the 4.88 ring-gear. The Supra carrier bearing(thicker) was re-used only on the ring side. Shown here is the non-ring gear side with the Supra bearing....that will be changed out for the thinner truck bearing.

Pinion pre-load was checked and was ok at 2 in/pounds. Had the factory stake in the pinion nut and all was good.

When the cases were stood up against each other, about .240" was noted between the ring-gear mounting surfaces. Which turns out to be a "so what?" thing.

A good habit to get into with gear installs.....

Stace cranks 70 ft/lbs. on those babies.

Here's the amount of thread available on the ring-gear side........

Here's the other side which was reported to be a possible issue but not a problem as long as the TRUCK carrier bearing is pressed on this non-ring gear side.

Left side is truck(desired)......right side is Supra.

Truck bearing cup part number.

Supra bearing cup part number.

Stace putting the final touches on.....We re-set the backlash with .012" so that the ring-gear meshes exactly the same as before. We made sure there was PLENTY of carrier bearing pre-load....something that tends to be over-looked alot.

carrier bearing adjuster on the ring-gear side....100% thread engagement and then some.

Other side.....more than enough engagement. All done at this point and this 3rd is ready to go in the rear-end.

Ok. This is the other 4.88 3rd and requires only installing a Lockrite locker. This also went very smoothly. The 8 case bolts were removed with the electric impact.

Case came right apart....Remove the 4 spiders. The cross and the side-gears get re-used.

Just place the driver-gear and spacer washer over the sidegear.....then put the cross on top.....load the 4 pins and 8 little springs......

then flop the 2 pieces back together and install/tighten the 8 bolts to about 45 ft/lbs.

Then drop the case back into the 3rd member,set the backlash, verify carrier pre-load, and tighen the bearing caps to 70 ft/lbs as Stace is doing here. I think the Lockrite took us about 30 minutes....that's with bs'ing, too.

Follow-up Note:: A couple of days later, these were Staces' impressions of the gear change/LSD performance............

copied/pasted from
on 04/05/04 12:25 PM

........85 4Runner, 4Cyl open 4:10 diffs, (33" tires). Purchased 2 factory V6, 4:88 diffs (used). Both Diffs received ZUK's blessing, Supra LSD in rear, Lock-Right in front. This is a whole new truck. Forget all engine mods with oversized tires, save the cash and regear! This 22RE on the highway is ssooooooo much better than the 4:10's were. LSD in the rear feels "invisible". Lock Right in front feels wild in the dirt and sand, but this truck grabs! Just passing along, I've been wanting gears for 18 months, and I'm happy. Stace

.........This just in, another thing. I can use CRUISE again! Been awhile, but a nice option none-the-less! Stace

............Yes sir. ZUK's site, LSD install on the top of the list. ZUK is a pretty cool dude, and knows his stuff, and lotsa "sperience". No grinding of the housing required for my '85. Diff slipped right in. I took a small amount off of the passenger axle shaft, but afterwards wondered if I really needed to. I know aftermarket LSD run upwards and over $350.00. The supra diff assy. I picked up for $100.00. AND afterall, it's an LSD by Toyota, from a 6cyl Turbo Supra. It's gotta be strong, and it's gotta be good, right? Later Stace